This is a zero single-use-plastic bottle and low waste event.

We are a community of eco-conscious humans from around the globe and we believe that what we need, moreso than not, already exists. And also, #SecondhandisSexy


What is popupswapX?

A SUPER low waste sustainability event, with the goal to make the circular economy more convenient and accessible for all. When we give and receive within our communities, we feel connected; we gain and/or strengthen a sense of community, camaraderie, and support.

What to expect?

Basically, a free yard sale.

Do I have to bring things to take things?

Nope. Come to give. Come to take. Do both!

What items do you accept?

Clean, useable items are accepted on the day of the swap. Our motto is open/closed, anything goes. If it’s a bottle of lotion you didn’t prefer, someone else might. Stained/torn/worn, we’ll pop that into textile recycling.

What items do you NOT accept?

No furniture. As we have to clear the streets after an event, we do not have logistics to move large items. Rule of thumb: If you (not being the Hulk) can carry it, bring it!

No broken glass - Take to your local glassblowers or place in a labeled paper bag separate from recycling so no one gets hurt at collection.

No broken electronics - Properly recycle thru your local dropoff.

No dirty items.

No home recycling.

How can I prep my stuff?

Clean it.

Bag any parts together.

Tie up any cords.

Label, if needed.

When can I drop off my stuff?

The donation tables open at the start of the event, and close an hour or two before the event is set to end.
Advanced drop off not available.

What happens if I miss donating in time?

It happens! Sadly, the event has to come to an end at some point and we have to clean it up. There is no storage for items; our goal is to get every item rehomed within the event ~ what a feat!

Understand that any items coming in after the donation intake table closes, would be a burden to the event and the volunteers. Don’t be that person. And don’t be sassy at us lol.

Regardless of this specific event, our goal is to encourage the circular economy as a lifestyle.   We hope this experience encourages individuals to create sustainable giving systems for everyday life in their home and community.  We recommend connecting with your local Buy Nothing Group, NextDoor, and finding charities, organizations, people or stoops for every day giving and receiving <3

Do I have to pick up my stuff if it isn’t taken?

Nope. We will properly rehome, repurpose or recycled remaining materials.

Where does everything go after?

The goal is to keep everything out of the landfill at all costs. This includes the waste that events can sometimes create. We partner with local organizations for pickups/dropoffs. Here are our go-to spots for remaining swap goods. If there isn’t a swap, utilize these same places for your circular economy efforts.

We accept clean, useable items and textile recycling. Find recycling services within your community for a continued home system that works for your sustainable lifestyle, every day.

fibers & rags manufacturers
specialty recycling drop (ie: Staples/Best Buy/local city recycling program)
Cardboard boxes & packing materials>
posted on community boards for neighbors moving
Remaining items >
local Free Store
Misc bits&bobs (like single puzzle pieces)>
local children's arts programming
local greenmarket
Plastic bags & film>
specialty recycling drop (ie: Target/Staples/Home Depot)
Plastic/Glass/Aluminum recycling>
local city recycling program
Paper recycling>
local city recycling program

What happens if it rains?

Wet stuff isn’t ideal. When Mother Nature gives an answer then we will post any updates via our public platforms.

When is the next swap?

Click for Upcoming Swaps

To produce these events, we need a sponsor or collective of sponsors. At the moment there are no popupswapX scheduled for 2024.